
Which film SHOULD win the Oscar for Best Picture of 2018?

Black Panther


Bohemian Rhapsody

The Favourite

Green Book


A Star is Born


Top Movies All Time U.S.
Box Office Results
Top Movies All Time U.S. Adjusted for Inflation
Box Office Results
Top Movies All Time Worldwide
Box Office Results

Top Movies of All Time Worldwide by Box Office Gross

as of 2.28.19

Movie Year Domestic BO (M) Rating Best Picture Oscar

Budget (M) World B.O. (M) Director Adjusted Domestic B.O. (M) Avg. Visitor Rating:
(click to vote)
Amazon Poster
1 Gone With the Wind 1939 $198.7 G
Won Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Rom $3 $390.5 V. Fleming $1649.5 Amazon Poster
2 Rain Man 1988 $172.8 R
Won Best Picture Oscar
Com/Dra -- $412.8 B. Levinson $333.5 Amazon Poster
3 Dances With Wolves 1990 $184.2 PG-13
Won Best Picture Oscar
Adv/Dra/Wes -- $424.2 K. Costner $341.0 No Votes Amazon Poster
4 Schindler's list 1993 $96.1 R
Won Best Picture Oscar
Dra/War $25 $321.2 S. Spielberg $184.1 Amazon Poster
5 Forrest Gump 1994 $329.7 PG-13
Won Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Com/Rom $55 $680.0 R. Zemeckis $618.3 Amazon Poster
6 Titanic 1997 $659.4 PG-13
Won Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Rom $200 $2187.5 J. Cameron $1095.8 Amazon Poster
7 Shakespeare in Love 1998 $100.2 R
Won Best Picture Oscar
Rom/Com $25 $289.1 J. Madden $169.5 Amazon Poster
8 American Beauty 1999 $130.1 R
Won Best Picture Oscar
Dra $15 $348.1 S. Mendes $203.0 Amazon Poster
9 Gladiator 2000 $187.7 R
Won Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Act $103 $456.3 R. Scott $276.1 Amazon Poster
10 A Beautiful Mind 2001 $170.7 PG-13
Won Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Rom $60 $312.1 R. Howard $239.2 Amazon Poster
11 Chicago 2002 $170.7 PG-13
Won Best Picture Oscar
Mus/Com/Rom $40 $306.3 R. Marshall $233.4 Amazon Poster
12 LOTR: The Return of the King 2003 $377.0 PG-13
Won Best Picture Oscar
Fan/Adv/Act $94 $1129.2 P. Jackson $495.8 Amazon Poster
13 The Departed 2006 $132.4 R
Won Best Picture Oscar
Cri/Dra/Thr $90 $289.8 M. Scorsese $160.3 Amazon Poster
14 Slumdog Millionaire 2008 $141.3 R
Won Best Picture Oscar
Cri/Dra/Rom $15 $327.2 D. Boyle/L. Tandan $156.1 Amazon Poster
15 The King's Speech 2010 $138.2 R
Won Best Picture Oscar
Bio/Dra/His $15 $405.4 T. Hooper $138.9 Amazon Poster
16 The Exorcist 1973 $204.7 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Hor $12 $357.5 W. Friedkin $808.7 Amazon Poster
17 Jaws 1975 $260.0 PG
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Adv/Hor/Thr $12 $471.0 S. Spielberg $1029.3 Amazon Poster
18 Star Wars 1977 $460.9 PG
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
SciF/Act/Adv/Fan $11 $797.9 G. Lucas $1425.9 Amazon Poster
19 Raiders of the Lost Ark 1981 $248.1 PG
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Act/Adv $20 $384.0 S. Spielberg $683.4 Amazon Poster
20 E.T. 1982 $434.9 PG
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
SciF/Adv/Fan -- $757.0 S. Spielberg $1131.8 Amazon Poster
21 Fatal Attraction 1987 $156.6 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Hor/Thr -- $320.1 A. Lyne $317.7 Amazon Poster
22 Ghost 1990 $217.6 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Com/Rom/Thr $22 $517.6 J. Zucker $403.3 Amazon Poster
23 Beauty and the Beast 1991 $218.9 G
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Ani/Mus/Rom $25 $424.9 G. Trousdale/K. Wise $357.2 Amazon Poster
24 The Fugitive 1993 $183.9 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Act/Adv/Thr/Cri/Mys $44 $368.9 A. Davis $348.0 Amazon Poster
25 Apollo 13 1995 $172.1 PG
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra $62 $334.1 R. Howard $313.7 Amazon Poster
26 As Good As It Gets 1997 $148.5 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Com/Dra/Rom $50 $313.4 J. L. Brooks $256.5 Amazon Poster
27 Saving Private Ryan 1998 $216.3 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Act/Dra/War $70 $479.3 S. Spielberg $365.8 Amazon Poster
28 The Sixth Sense 1999 $293.5 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Thr/Hor/Mys $40 $661.5 M. Night Shyamalan $458.1 Amazon Poster
29 The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 2001 $313.8 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Fan/Adv $109 $860.7 P. Jackson $439.7 Amazon Poster
30 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers 2002 $340.5 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Fan/Adv $94 $920.5 P. Jackson $465.5 Amazon Poster
31 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2008 $127.5 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Fan/Mys/Rom $150 $329.8 D. Fincher $140.8 Amazon Poster
32 Inglourious Basterds 2009 $120.5 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/War $85 $313.6 Q. Tarantino $127.4 Amazon Poster
33 The Blind Side 2009 $255.9 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Spo $29 $309.2 J. L. Hancock $270.6 Amazon Poster
34 Up 2009 $293.0 PG
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Ani/Act/Adv/Com/Fam $175 $731.3 P. Docter/ B. Peterson $309.8 Amazon Poster
35 Avatar 2009 $760.5 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Act/Adv/SciF/Thr $230 $2778.2 J. Cameron $804.1 Amazon Poster
36 Black Swan 2010 $106.9 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Mys/Thr $13 $298.4 D. Aronofsky $107.4 Amazon Poster
37 Inception 2010 $292.6 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Act/Mys/SciFi/Thr $200 $824.7 C. Nolan $294.1 Amazon Poster
38 Toy Story 3 2010 $415.0 G
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Ani/Adv/Com/Fam/Fan $200 $1063.2 L. Unkrich $417.1 Amazon Poster
39 Life of Pi 2012 $125.0 PG
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Adv/Dra $120 $609.0 Ang Lee $125.0 Amazon Poster
40 Les Miserables 2012 $148.8 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Mus/Rom $61 $437.7 T. Hooper $148.8 Amazon Poster
41 Django Unchained 2012 $162.8 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Act/Dra/Wes $100 $425.4 Quentin Tarantino $162.8 Amazon Poster
42 Gravity 2013 $274.1 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/SciF/Thr $100 $716.4 Alfonso Cuar�n $274.1 Amazon Poster
43 American Sniper 2014 $350.1 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Act/Bio/Dra/War $59 $547.1 Clint Eastwood $350.1 Amazon Poster
44 Mad Max: Fury Road 2015 $153.5 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Act/Adv/SciF $150 $375.8 George Miller $153.5 Amazon Poster
45 The Revenant 2015 $183.6 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Adv/Dra/Thr $135 $533.0 Alejandro G. I��rritu $183.6 Amazon Poster
46 The Martian 2015 $228.4 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Adv/Dra/SciF $108 $630.2 Ridley Scott $228.4 Amazon Poster
47 La La Land 2016 $151.1 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Com/Dra/Mus $30 $446.0 Damien Chazelle $151.1 Amazon Poster
48 Dunkirk 2017 $188.4 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Act/Dra/His $100 $525.6 Christopher Nolan $188.4 Amazon Poster
49 A Star is Born (2018) 2018 $210.8 R
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Dra/Mus/Rom $36 $425.5 Bradley Cooper $210.8 Amazon Poster
50 Bohemian Rhapsody 2018 $213.1 PG-13
Nominated for Best Picture Oscar
Bio/Dra/Mus $52 $861.7 Bryan Singer $213.1 Amazon Poster

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